i like that derek webb--

beloved these are dangerous times
because you are weightless like a leaf from the vine
and the wind has blown you all over town
because there is nothing holding you to the ground

so now you would rather be
a slave again than free from the law

beloved listen to me
don’t believe all that you see
and don’t you ever let anyone tell you
that there’s anything that you need
but me

beloved these are perilous days
when your culture is so set in its ways
that you will listen to salesmen and thieves
preaching other than the truth you’ve received

because they are telling lies
for they cannot circumcise your hearts

beloved listen to me
don’t believe all that you see
and don’t you ever let anyone tell you
that there’s anything that you need
but me

beloved there is nothing more
no more blessings and no more rewards
than the treasure of my body and blood
given freely to all daughters and sons

beloved listen to me
don’t believe all that you see
and don’t you ever let anyone tell you
that there’s anything that you need
but me

Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty thankful...

I think this year more than any other, I've realized that Thanksgiving is what it says...a giving of thanks. For what I've been blessed with. For what I've been given.

So. In no particular order...
Thanks. for...

salvation. st louis cardinals baseball. laughter. joy. cars. mousse. music. dead deer on the backs of trunks. babies. broadway in nashville. heat. college football. airplanes. text messaging. funny videos on vimeo. cupcakes. snail mail. flip-flops. lower gas prices. road trips to wherever. new possibilities. traveling baby dolls. southern accents. the beach. dr pepper. malibu and pineapple. birthdays. wheat bread. coldplay. washington, dc. camp. sweatpants. chi hair straighteners. down comforters. ballet flats. celebrity sightings. pianos. family togetherness. bright colors. mirrors. air mattresses. good company.

the list goes on.
the specifics--meLissa. erin. molly. jamie. robbie. scott. travis. kristin. kenny. austin. shane. anna. cowart. casey. chris. lindsay. sarah. micah. thad. jon. fletcher. rebecca. will. candace. rusty. jen.

thanks :)

post-Thanksgiving addendum:
compliments. jimmy john's. good conversation. random snowball fights. rookie of the year. the best dressing ever. karaoke. photo shoots and the photos that come from them. nashville, tn. scarves. sharpie fine-point permanent markers. orbit wintergreen gum. journaling. high heels. indianapolis colts football. the sandlot. sitting by the fire. pancake pantry. funny family jokes. hats. seeing old friends. anticipation. good wine. a fantastic night's sleep. new places. jeans. walking barefoot.
the emotion of great delight
or happiness caused by something
exceptionally good or satisfying.

lately i've been focusing on living a life of joy.
not a life of happiness [the quality or state of being happy; pleasure], but joy.
taking great delight in Someone that is exceptionally good.
taking great delight in Someone that is satisfying.

doing so has definitely caused a change in me.
doing so has allowed me to see through the frustration of daily life.
has enabled me to seek out the vision of Christ in everyday things.
has softened my heart to things.
to people.
to life.

i don't want to be a follower of Christ that is upset with life.
that is upset with how things are going.
that is constantly focused on the negative.
that is complacent.

i want to be a follower of Christ that,
regardless of the situation, says "He knows what He's doing."
that people look at and see Him first.
that finds peace in tough situations.
that takes great delight in what He's done, and is still doing for me.
that is constantly seeking after the One who is much bigger than me.

the Lord delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.
psalm 147:11

delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
psalm 37:4

my heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high.
my mouth boasts over my enemies, for i delight in your deliverance.
1 sam 2:1

why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satifsy?
listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
isaiah 55:2

surely then you will find delight in the Almighty
and lift up your face to God.
job 22:26

that is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses,
in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. for when i am weak,
then i am strong.
2 corinthians 12:10

...he rescued me because he delighted in me.
2 sam 22:20b

direct me in the path of your commands, for there i find delight.
psalm 119:35

no longer will they call you Deserted
or name your land Desolate...
for the Lord will take delight in you.
isaiah 62:4

joy. the emotion of great delight or happiness
caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.


come meet us, King Jesus
oh wind of change blow through this temple
for all we have are songs until you come.

awaken what's inside of me
tune my heart to all you are in me
even though you're here
God come.
may the vision of you
be the death of me
and even though you've given everything
Jesus come.

--shane and shane, vision

The Bottom Line

I had the chance to see a great friend from camp last night. I love spending time with him because he is so wise and he's one of those guys that, when you spend time with them, makes you feel a little smarter when you're done.

I heard a familiar passage.
One I'd heard many times before.
But something really struck me about it last night.

Daniel 3 talks about King Nebuchadnezzar building a huge (90 x 9 feet) image of gold that the people were commanded to bow down and worship at the sound of any kind of music. Those that did not immediately fall down and worship would subsequently be thrown into a "blazing furnace" (verse 6).

The passage goes on to say that "all peoples, nations and men of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold" that had been set up by the king.

A twist in the story.
Some astrologers come to the king and say what he'd like to hear...you know, kiss up to him. And at the same time, they tattle (yes, tattle) on Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego--all of whom pay no attention to what the king has decreed..."They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up."

Obviously, the king is mad. He calls the three to be brought to him and [once again] commands them to fall down and worship the image of gold when the music is heard...and explains [once more] that if they fail to do so they'll immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.

And then he [King Nebuchadnezzar] says, "Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?"
Pretty bold, huh?

This is where I was struck.
This next part.
Pay attention.
It's good.

"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." (verses 16-18)

the God we serve is able to save us...
but even if he does not...
we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold...

The rest of the story is known. The three of them get thrown in the furnace, which is now at seven times hotter than usual. The king sticks around to watch and see what happens to these boys that have defied him so. Looks inside the furnace. Notices FOUR men walking around...unbound and unharmed.

They are immediately called out of the furnace, and it is noted that everyone there saw that "the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair on their heads singed, their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them" (verse 27).

Nebuchadnezzar goes on to praise the God of the three boys. Then decrees that anyone saying anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces..."for no other god can save in this way."

the bottom line is--
i want that kind of faith.
the kind that is bold.
the kind that says, "he can save me from it, but even if he doesn't..."
that is something to believe in.

the God we serve is able to save us...
but even if he does not...


I've had some great conversation lately.
Conversation that has encouraged me to
live a little
laugh a lot more
and to enjoy life [literally] to its fullest.

I am blessed to call you friends.
Thank you.

Things I Like (or Really Like...)--

*singing at the top of my lungs
*North Face
*the smell of gasoline
*Washington, DC
*Harry Potter
*text messages that make me smile
*listening to music
*seeing old friends and meeting new ones
*my favorite girls
