What's That Girl Got In Her Purse?

1. Bible
2. GPS
3. keys, complete with VT keyring, Kenyan keyring and Clovis Hills lanyard
4. zipper pouch full of sharpie markers and G2 pens
5. my little notebook-o-awesome
6. vaseline
7. lotion
8. bluetooth earpiece (for occasions requiring 'tool' status)
9. zipper pouch complete with all sorts of makeup
10. camera
11. Pablo

Favorite Moments of 2008

A recollection of what made 2008 great...in no particular order.

-being one of four coaches of a state champion cheerleading squad
-seeing San Francisco
-turning 25
-trips to Nashville (too many to be counted)
-fun new music
-graduate school and new colleagues
-Jenness Park
-Coldplay on Halloween in Washington, DC
-the cutest hairstyle known to man
-size 20 black Adidas shoes
-a 2nd place fantasy baseball finish
-flying over and into Los Angeles at night
-camp reunions
-Gov Rod Blagojevich being the 2nd Illinois governor to be arrested
-becoming somewhat more creative
-singing with the boys
-visits from Chris Martin
-the Navigator and Will Snipes
-Memphis, TN
-the roadtrip to and from Coldplay (magic)
-text message conversations that people would kill to know about
-a spectacular week in Clovis, California
-becoming Beyonce
-St. Louis Cardinal games
-4th of July and Medieval Mega Relay
-In-N-Out Burger
-60 degree days in December
-family crasyness
-new possibilites
-another Indianapolis Colts playoff berth
-Sabrina and her many talents/habits/etc.
-two words: SUCK IT
-singing at the end of sentences
-John Rich (of Big & Rich) touching my shoulder
-being part of John Rich's entourage
-saving a horse and riding a cowboy
-nacho wednesday
-knowing and being reminded that the battle belongs to the Lord
-sports of most any kind
-meeting Michael Phelps on the train
-pancake pantry
-opening my heart to new ideas and things
-a renewed faith in who Christ is to me
-lots of laughs
-team Petey Pablo

Special thanks to the following for touching my life and impacting me in some way over the past year...you are much appreciated.
MeLissa. Erin. Kristin. Jamie. Sarah. Molly. Candace.
Robbie. Kenny. Scott. Jared. Grace. Winders. Christopher.
Emory. Thad. Rusty. Jon. Fletcher. Rebecca. Snipes. James. Cowart.
Josh. Jessie. Casey. Anna. Lindsay and Eric. Dick-Dockery. Lisa.
Joelle. Darin. Lisa T. Emilee. Laura. Jerel. Marc. Kara. Susan.
Jenny. Anna. Lauren. Vira. Justin. Stephen. Alex. Travis.

It's been a great year. There's a lot more where this list (of things and people) comes from, but that's reserved for me. Bottom line is that 2008 won't soon be forgotten. Here's to 2009 and whatever it has to offer!

I'll Be Home for Christmas

I won't lie about it. This Christmas was hands-down one of my favorites. It's important to remember that the whole reason we celebrate is because of the birth of Jesus, but it's also a great excuse to hang out with and be around family. My family members are hilarious, so there is always something crazy going down.

Top 5 [nonreligious] moments of the holidays in photos:

5. winning my pirate's booty (that awesome purple hat) in the annual white elephant gift exchange...and by winning, i mean i stole it.

4. family photo shoots to no end. trust me, folks...this does not usually happen, but will be a staple from here on out.
3. my creative idea for wrapping a gift...yes, i'm available [starting now] for birthdays, weddings, and things of the like.
2. beyonce and the girls present "Single Ladies..." i was Beyonce, obviously.

1. BABIES!!! two sets of twins and a newborn make things interesting at family gatherings these days, but they are some of the most adorable children ever and i love hugging on, loving on, and making crazy baby noises when they are around...

I'd Like to See the Grinch Try and Steal This...

I'm a big fan of the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of my favorites, because it gives me a reason to see and hang out with my family (whom I love dearly). We are quite the crazy bunch, and because of that, there is no shortage of awesome that goes down.

  • The family now has two sets of twins under the age of two (Clayton and Caleb--Eathan and Landon) and they are straight up adorable. They can be a handful, but playing with the little guys renews my faith in innocence and love. All I want to do is give them plenty of attention, chase them around, and coo and make the weirdest noises known to man.
  • We also have a three-month-old addition to the family. Her name is Caydence. She is quite the beauty. Such a tiny thing and yet such a reminder of the love that God has for his people.
  • About ten minutes ago, we finished our annual White Elephant gift exchange. For all intensive purposes, all you need to know is that mass hilarity ensued as usual. However, since inquiring minds want to know, I am currently wearing my plunder (an amazing knitted hat to keep me warm in subzero temperatures).
  • Yesterday, I spent hours icing made-from-scratch sugar cookies that I won't eat. I'm not sure why. It's just one of those things. Maybe I look at them and feel like I might die because of the amount of sugar and butter used to make all of that goodness. Needless to say, there are some pretty awesomely designed cookies that some of my family members got to enjoy today.
  • This has definitely been a weird holiday for me. I've been dealing with a bunch of nonsensical, completely pointless things. But one thing has been certain--I've been blessed with a handful of amazing ladies that are willing to do whatever it takes. MeLissa, Erin, Jamie, Sarah, Grace and Molly have been hardcore awesome for me...thanks!
  • I've become more and more in tune to what the Christmas season means (even though December really is just an opportunistic place to put a holiday)...the fact is, Jesus was born. And he wasn't born the way people thought he'd be born...he came into the world as a baby...slept in a manger...and Herod viewed him as a legitimate threat...into the most humble of situations, the Savior of the world was born...
So try and steal this Christmas, grinch. Try and take away what joy and life and salvation mean. But I'm going to withstand you at every turn. I'm going to look you in the face and smile, knowing that I have got the gift of heart...and love...and faith.

How Dare I:

-say one thing and mean another.
-act the way I've acted.
-assume that You have anything less than the best planned for me.
-question Your will.
-worry about today, tomorrow, or any other day.
-presume to be anything less than what You made me.

here's to growing gracefully and seeking simplicity.
Lord, may you shine me until you can see yourself in me.

I Still Like That Derek Webb--

if you could love me as a wife
and for my wedding gift, your life
should that be all i'd ever need
or is there more i'm looking for

and should i read between the lines
and look for blessings in disguise
to make me handsome, rich, and wise
is that really what you want

i am a whore i do confess
i put you on just like a wedding dress
and i run down the aisle
and i run down the aisle
i'm a prodigal with no way home
i put you on just like a ring of gold
i run down the aisle to you

so could you love this bastard child
though i don't trust you to provide
with one hand in a pot of gold
and with the other in your side

i am so easily satisfied
by the call of lovers so less wild
that i would take a little cash
over your very flesh and blood

because money cannot buy
a husband's jealous eye
when you have knowingly deceived his wife

i am a whore i do confess
i put you on just like a wedding dress
and i run down the aisle
and i run down the aisle
i'm a prodigal with no way home
i put you on just like a ring of gold
i run down the aisle to you