thank you.for those of you who don't know, my pastor all through college [Fred Winters], was the pastor who was shot and killed during service on March 8, 2009.
as a pastor, Fred was clear and concise. he was not afraid to speak the truth--and he spoke the truth in a loving way. he was such a friendly face on sunday mornings, and he went out of his way to remember anyone and everyone that set foot inside the FBCM building. i remember the first time i walked into the biggest church i'd ever been to, and he was one of the first to greet me. from there on, he never forgot my name and made sure to make contact with me everytime he saw me.
from the moment i heard of the shooting and death of Fred, i had a peace about the situation, and my heart immediately went out to his wife [Cindy] and their two daughters [Alysia and Cassidy]. the family is a sweet one--i had the chance to spend a lot of time with them. Cindy was my sunday school teacher, and i used to babysit the girls on regular occasion.
the Winters family was a family you couldn't help but want to spend time around. i remember waiting for Fred and Cindy to leave the house for a ballgame/meeting/weekend getaway, and i would just watch the way the family interacted. it was obvious that Fred was madly in love with his wife, and that his love for Alysia and Cassidy was not easily matched.
it has been nothing but obvious to me through this situation that God has been completely in control. from the first bullet the gunman shot going through Pastor Fred's bible, to the fourth shot jamming the gun so that churchgoers could subdue the gunman, to the amount of love that has been showered upon anyone and everyone that was, or has been involved with FBC Maryville at some point in their life, to the reaction of this tragedy by Fred's family...there are so many things surrounding this situation that point to God's hand, and i can't help but be amazed at that.
if nothing else since sunday, i really have seen and learned that
God can and will use anything for his glory. my mind can't wrap around that, but i'm ok with knowing that He's in control.
i will be attending the visitation and funeral [thurs/fri] and ask that you would continue to pray...for healing...for Cindy, Alysia, and Cassidy...for First Baptist Church Maryville, IL--the most loving and real church i have ever been to...for strength--that those closest to this situation would not fall away, but would grow stronger in Christ with each other...for the ability to move forward while keeping the memory of Fred Winters alive...for the churchgoers that helped to subdue the gunman...and for the gunman [Terry Sedlacek] himself...

the Winters family:
Alysia, Fred, Cassidy, and Cindy.
[if you would like to read more about the Winters family,
please go
here and see what others have to say about Fred and his lovely ladies...]
you all are much appreciated.
i thank you for your love and friendship.
thank you.