take me home...

For the last few years, I've been wondering when and how to get out of Illinois. And when I use the words "get out," it seems horrible to me...but that's what I want to do...get. out. I've missed community and fellowship. I've missed accountability, encouragement and learning from others. And I'm ready for that again...

I've been praying and talking a lot with friends about where to go and what to do, and ultimately, it comes down to the same thing...maybe I just need to go and trust that God will be wherever I choose. Maybe this is one of those times where He's given me the go-ahead and I just need to take a step on faith and see what's in store for me. I'm beyond scared about that, but I believe that God is who he says and I'm ready to see faith put into action.

If that's the case...these are cities I've put on a list. And this list of cities is strictly based on where I have a base of friends. Cities where, if I lived there, I could plug in somewhat easily and feel a part of things. 

(in no particular order)

Dallas, Texas

 Atlanta, Georgia

Fresno, California
New Orleans, Louisiana 
Nashville, Tennessee

Again, this list of cities is solely based on having a pocket of friends there already. Right now, I'm praying hard that God would show me where He has me...and if not, one of these days (soon), I'm going to make a decision and trust that He'll take care of me wherever I am.

from the journal (8.18.10)

Then the Lord said to Abram, "Why did Sarah
laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that
I am old?' Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Genesis 18:13-14a

I know my problem is a lack of faith. 

Like Sarah, I laugh at the thought of God being able to do something rather 
than actually believing HE IS MORE THAN ABLE.

And not only do I laugh, I lie about it when called out. 

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

He knows my thoughts, my motives.
He knows my past, present, and future. 
He knows my hurts, struggles and shortcomings.
He knows my triumphs, my joy, and my love. 
He knows my sin. 
He knows my heart.
He knows.

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Now, it's all about believing. 
Really believing that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:39).
Knowing, in faith, that nothing is too hard for the Lord. 

...help. me. believe.
"Jesus has not given us an effortless step-by-step formula for impacting nations for his glory. He has given us people, and he has said, "Live for them. Love them, serve them, and lead them. Lead them to follow me, and lead them to lead others to follow me. In the process you will multiply the gospel to the ends of the earth."
                                                                          --David Platt, Radical


...from the journal (8.12.10)

Yesterday, I noted God's hand on David.

I saw that again today, but I also saw David stick true to what God had for him. Throughout David's days, he's given options and he seeks out what God has...

"he (David) inquired of the Lord," 
"Once again David inquired of the Lord and the Lord answered him" 
(1 Samuel 23:2,4). 

Can it really be that simple?
Do I believe in the power of prayer?

I know it wasn't the main focus of these passages, but it's hard to miss what happens when there is an open line of communication with the Lord. 

David couldn't help but ask because he knew that God would lead him the right way. So asking God was David's only option. And maintaining that relationship with the Lord enabled David in more ways than he could ever have imagined. 

How much more for me if I would open and maintain communication with the Lord!?

The Lord rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness.  
--1 Samuel 26:23

here's where I am...

nothing can separate, even if I ran away.
Your love never fails.
I know I still make mistakes; You have new mercy for me everyday.
Your love never fails.

You stay the same through the ages.
Your love never changes.
there may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning.
and when the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid.
because I know that You love me.

the wind is strong and the water's deep
but I'm not alone in these open seas.
Your love never fails.
the chasm is far too wide, I never thought I'd reach the other side.
but Your love never fails.

You stay the same through the ages.
Your love never changes.
there may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning.
and when the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid.
because I know that you love me.

You make all things work together for my good.

[your love never fails -- jesus culture]