What Else Can I Do?

I've recently taken up being a procrastinator.
And by recently, I mean, I've been one since at least 6th grade.

Things I've done today [besides my actual homework]:

vacuum. [yes, i was wearing that exact outifit.]

organize my whole paper/pen/marker/paint supply corner.

write in my journal.

dance around my room.


unload groceries with my momma.

listen to loads of music.

Happy MLK Jr. day, folks.

1 comment:

MeLissa said...

The mark of a true procrastinator: your procrastinating tendencies don't kick in until ten years later.

I've seen you wear that outfit. The apron complements your eyes marvelously!

The fact that you have a paper/pen/marker/paint corner is another reason why I love you.

good work today.