renewed grace, each and every day. smiles. being close-to-done with classes. singing. colts football. cheerleading competitions. spongebob shaped macaroni and cheese. uk blue snuggie. curly hair. jokes. trips to visit friends. snarky comebacks. sleep. skinny jeans. my toms (or Thomas', as JEspy would say). harry potter -- books and movies. tights, tights, and more tights. laughter. skype conversations. text messages. sound effects. receiving mail. quality conversations. the beginning of student teaching. plane flights. my ninth grade girls from Picayune. thoughts of graduation. kitkats. funny gifts. Lost. ballet flats. belts. scarves. creating things. continued work on loving others. being encouraged by good friends.
see? life is good...
I couldn't agree more. :)
you are great. and i miss you.
come to africa with me
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