take me home...

For the last few years, I've been wondering when and how to get out of Illinois. And when I use the words "get out," it seems horrible to me...but that's what I want to do...get. out. I've missed community and fellowship. I've missed accountability, encouragement and learning from others. And I'm ready for that again...

I've been praying and talking a lot with friends about where to go and what to do, and ultimately, it comes down to the same thing...maybe I just need to go and trust that God will be wherever I choose. Maybe this is one of those times where He's given me the go-ahead and I just need to take a step on faith and see what's in store for me. I'm beyond scared about that, but I believe that God is who he says and I'm ready to see faith put into action.

If that's the case...these are cities I've put on a list. And this list of cities is strictly based on where I have a base of friends. Cities where, if I lived there, I could plug in somewhat easily and feel a part of things. 

(in no particular order)

Dallas, Texas

 Atlanta, Georgia

Fresno, California
New Orleans, Louisiana 
Nashville, Tennessee

Again, this list of cities is solely based on having a pocket of friends there already. Right now, I'm praying hard that God would show me where He has me...and if not, one of these days (soon), I'm going to make a decision and trust that He'll take care of me wherever I am.


gschof said...

you have no idea how absolutely perfect this timing was... wowsers.

Mindy said...

Leaps of faith are always super scary. But I agree that God will be wherever you choose. Good luck in your decision!

Also, might I highly suggest Nashville. It's a pretty awesome place to be. I'm just saying... :)