
It's no lie. I've always been partial to October. 

Maybe it's because of football.

Maybe it's because the leaves have really started to change and the colors are gorgeous. Maybe it's because of playoff baseball and the World Series. Maybe it's because of corn mazes and costumes and too much candy.

Maybe it's because of bonfires and haunted houses and hayrides. 
Maybe it's because I get to celebrate my birthday. 

Maybe it's because you get to carve pumpkins and light them up with fire. Maybe it's because the people in Kenova, West Virginia devote themselves to an amazing array of pumpkins each year...at one house.

Maybe it's because you get to run around screaming "BOO" and aren't held accountable for it. Maybe it's because Harry Potter seems the most real in October.

Man. What a great month. 


Mindy said...

I love October, too! And I super loved the HP reference!

Mindy said...

PS. That pumpkin lit house is AWE-SOME!