Things I Love: 30 Rock

Tracy: Hey! What was that sound? It was opportunity knocking.
Jack: No one knocked, you just barged in.

Pete: We Hornbergers are famous cowards. On D-Day, my grandfather wore a German uniform under his American one...just in case.

Tracy: If I won an Oscar everyone would have to respect me. My obituary would read Oscar-winner, instead of children's soccer heckler.

Tracy: [forgetting what floor he works on] Six! I knew it was a character from Blossom, but I couldn't find the Joey Russo button.

Jack: Yes my daughter is Canadien-American, but I'm going to treat her just like a human baby.

Tracy: What is this, Horseville? Because I'm surrounded by naysayers. Wordplay!
Liz: That is solid.

Tracy: Five years ago I saved your show! I rode in here on a white horse that you made me leave in the lobby.

Kenneth: I can talk to animals. Well not talk to 'em. I can take commands from them.

Liz: Your lizard cannot be the music guest on the show.
Tracy: Of course not! His album doesn't drop until December!

1 comment:

jessiefrances said...

I've never seen this show, but your comments make me want to watch it!