it just takes some time...

little girl, you're in the middle of the ride.
everything, everything will be just fine.
everything, everything will be alright.

two times today i was reminded of these lyrics.
and more than two times today, i knew that everything would be alright.

things to look forward to:
*using google earth
*birthday extravaganzas
*a new season of 24
*getting Lost with the Oceanic 6
*taking it easy on the travel...staying put for once
*losing weight on purpose
*a new (possibly improved) haircut
*being one semester closer to having my master's
*hearing about Fuge placements
*a new dress
*a Friday night wedding in Memphis
*a Jenness Park Fuge reunion as result of said wedding
*roommate reunion with Sarah and Candace!
*my future career
*endless possibilities
*new episode Tuesdays
*loving...hurting...and loving in spite of that hurt
*cheerleading competitions with my girls
*Bible study training weekend
*seeing Candace twice in one month!
*growth and learning

everything, everything will be alright.

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