from the journal (8.18.10)

Then the Lord said to Abram, "Why did Sarah
laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that
I am old?' Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Genesis 18:13-14a

I know my problem is a lack of faith. 

Like Sarah, I laugh at the thought of God being able to do something rather 
than actually believing HE IS MORE THAN ABLE.

And not only do I laugh, I lie about it when called out. 

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

He knows my thoughts, my motives.
He knows my past, present, and future. 
He knows my hurts, struggles and shortcomings.
He knows my triumphs, my joy, and my love. 
He knows my sin. 
He knows my heart.
He knows.

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Now, it's all about believing. 
Really believing that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:39).
Knowing, in faith, that nothing is too hard for the Lord. me. believe.

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