I'm So Excited. And I Just Can't Hide It

just a few reasons why i'm excited about the "Walkin' in Memphis Wedding Weekend Extravaganza [in no particular order]:

-mass amounts of hugs.
-jon and sherryl's nuptials.
-beale street.
-the love of Jesus.
-civil rights museum.
-jenness roommate reunion.
-late nights.
-rap music.
-sarah walker.
-candace watson.
-rebecca miller.
-joelle seesing.
-will snipes.
-thad burkhalter.
-micah szopinski.
-jj yount.
-darin wong.
-michael morrison.
-rusty long.
-dressing up.
-good conversation.
-the 'bees?
-singing loudly.
-camp talk.

it doesn't get much better than this folks.

[lindsay, eric, eric, amy, anna, and fletcher...you will be missed.]

1 comment:

Sarah Brasher said...

It was amazing, epic, and life changing...I hate that I don't get to hang out with you like every single day...July..July..July...maybe even a trip before then because July is a long freaking way a way...I can't believe that it came and went to so fast..

p.s. You Americans think you have it all figured out..vote for Barack Obama....(insert hilarious explicits)